
Private company

Most common way to start your business by forming a Private Company.A company owned by limited members minimum 2 maximum 200 with no requirement of minimum paid-up capital is a Private Company.

Purchase the Process
Check the documents require & upload
Talk to Expert if required through Call/Whatsapp Chat/email
Expert will process action as soon as possible
Get your registration document through eVyapar wallet/email
Photographs of Directors and Members
PAN of Directors and Members
Identity proof of Members (Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID/ Driving License)
Address proof of Members
Drafted MOA & AOA
Form DIR-2 consent to act as Director
Form INC-9 Affidavit and Declaration by first subscriber & Directors
Address proof of registered office such as electricity bill not old than 2 months
NOC & rent agreement from Property owner in case of registered office is rented